
How Long Does It Take For Dog Hair To Decompose

The Jiangshi (僵屍 or 殭屍) is a Chinese vampire/zombie that's name translates to 'stiff corpse'. It is a horrific brute that unremarkably hops along, and when it comes across a victim information technology volition suck the life force out of them. (In Chinese, qi.)

The Jiangshi has many different names, such as Chiang Shi, Kang Shi and Geungsi.

They are said to be created when a person's soul (魄 pò) fails to leave the deceased'due south body. Still, some have disputed the comparing of jiang shi with vampires, as jiang shi are usually mindless creatures with no contained thought. One unusual feature of this monster is its greenish-white furry pare, perhaps derived from fungus or mold growing on corpses.

The Jiangshi is said to exist raised past a necromancer, or when the soul of a expressionless human being cannot leave his torso due to reasons in life, such as they were a horrible troublemaker, or if they commit suicide. The body looks unlike due to when they were raised. If they are raised soon later death, their appearance looks most like a normal human being, yet if they accept decomposed some time before they come up to life, they can await horrific and ghastly.


Usually they are described equally a pale white colour with furry greenish pilus, moss, or mold growing on their flesh. The Jiangshi too has pale, long white, messy hair atop their heads. They are said to have extremely long tongues and blackness, sharp fingernails, and they walk along with their arms outstretched.

Creation of Jiangshi

The Qing Dynasty scholar Ji Xiaolan mentioned in his bookYuewei Caotang Biji (閱微草堂筆記) that the causes of a corpse beingness reanimated can exist classified in either of two categories: a recently deceased person returning to life, or a corpse that has been buried for a long fourth dimension but does not decompose. Some causes are described beneath:

  • The apply of supernatural arts to resurrect the dead.
  • Spirit possession of a dead body.
  • A corpse absorbs sufficient yangqi to return to life.
  • A person'southward body is governed past threehuns and viipos. The Qing Dynasty scholar Yuan Mei wrote in his bookZi Bu Yu that "A person'shun is adept but hispo is evil, hishun is intelligent but hispo is not then good". Thehun leaves his torso after death simply hispo remains and takes control of the body, so the dead person becomes a Jiangshi.
  • The dead person is not buried even later on a funeral has been held. The corpse comes to life after it is struck past a bolt of lightning, or when a meaning true cat (or a black cat in some tales) leaps across the coffin.
  • When a person'south soul fails to get out the deceased's body, due to improper death, suicide, or but wanting to cause trouble.]
  • A person injured by a Jiangshi is infected with the "Jiangshi Virus" and gradually changes into a Jiangshi over time, equally seen in theMr. Vampire films.


The Jiangshi may be distracted if minor objects are thrown about, in which case, similar near vampires, it will cease to count them. Too, they are blind, and if one holds their breath when information technology passes, they may remain unnoticed.

Supposedly a 15 cm slice of wood nailed to the width of the bottom of the door will stop a Jiangshi from entering.

  • Mirrors: Li Shizhen'south medical volumeBencao Gangmu mentioned, "A mirror is the essence of liquid metal. It is dark on the external but bright within." (鏡乃金水之精,內明外暗。) Jiangshis are besides said to exist terrified of their own reflections.
  • Items fabricated of wood from a peach tree: TheJingchu Suishi Ji (荊楚歲時記) mentioned, "Peach is the essence of the Five Elements. It can subjugate evil auras and deter evil spirits." (桃者,五行之精,能厭服邪氣,制御百鬼。)
  • A rooster'due south call: Yuan Mei's bookZi Bu Yu mentioned, "Evil spirits withdraw when they hear a rooster's phone call" (鬼聞雞鳴即縮。), because the rooster's call usually occurs with the ascension of the sun.
  • Jujube seeds:Zi Bu Yu mentioned, "Nail seven jujube seeds into the acupuncture points on the back of a corpse." (棗核七枚,釘入屍脊背穴。)
  • Burn:Zi Bu Yu mentioned, "When assail fire, the sound of crackling flames, blood rushes forth and basic cry." (放火燒之,嘖嘖之聲,血湧骨鳴。)
  • Hooves of a blackness donkey: Mentioned in Zhang Muye'south fantasy novelGhost Blows Out the Light
  • Vinegar: Mentioned by coroners in eastern Fujian
  • Ba gua sign
  • I Ching
  • Tong Shu
  • Glutinous rice, rice chaff
  • Adzuki beans
  • Handbell
  • Thread stained with a concotion of black ink, chicken claret and burnt talisman
  • Claret of a black dog
  • Stonemason's awl
  • Axe
  • Broom
  • Holding ones breath
  • Taoist talisman, stuck on the forehead to immobilise them whilst it is firmly stuck on
  • Dropping a purse of coins tin can cause the Jiangshi to count the coins.


How Long Does It Take For Dog Hair To Decompose,


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